Safety Tips

Balance it out

4 December 2014

The hot summer months are upon us and pool owners all over the country are looking forward to spending long, warm days in the water. However if your pool water isn’t properly balanced, you might not be as keen to jump in.

Balance it out

Prevent water imbalances this summer

Your pool water chemistry depends upon a delicate balance between several minerals and the pH. If either of these are out of whack, you may see some strange colours and cloudiness forming in your pool.

Here’s a rundown of why these two imbalances occur:

Mineral imbalances
The most common mineral imbalances are copper, iron and manganese, which usually present themselves in the form of water discolouration. The main reason your water may experience an imbalance of this kind is because your fill water is travelling through old pipes that have loose traces of these metals, which then build up in your pool.

Brown water usually indicates an iron imbalance, while a green colour tells of too much copper. Dark colours, including blue, purple or black, can mean a high concentration of manganese.

Take a water sample into your local Swimart to confirm the issue and source an appropriate treatment.

pH imbalances
Essentially, balancing the pH of your pool water allows your sanitiser to do its job effectively. The pH can also dictate whether your swimming experience is a pleasant one or not, as pH levels that are too high or low tend to give swimmers itchy, burning eyes.

Above 7.8 on the acidic/alkaline scale is considered high pH, while below a 7.0 is low. For your backyard pool, aiming for around a 7.2 will keep your pool within normal levels.

Incorrect pH levels can also result in damage to your pool surfaces and its equipment, including dissolving plaster and grout, breaking down vinyl liners and pump seals, creating calcium deposits and reducing filter efficiency.

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