Spa Services
Take the hassle out of cleaning your spa. We offer a range of instore and home services to keep your spa sparkling!
Recommended Products
Aqua~Health Pool Algaecide
Aqua~Health Pool Algaecide
Our Aqua~Health Pool Algaecide highly concentrated pool algaecide is for stubborn algae problems. It breaks down the protective membrane of algae to allow sanitiser to kill the algae. Aqua~Health Pool Algaecide also disrupts the algal cell metabolism and does not contain metals which make it the perfect choice for all type of pools.
Aqua~Health Chlorine Concentrate
Aqua~Health Chlorine Concentrate
Our Aqua~Health Chlorine Concentrate is an effective and easy-to-use form of chlorine sanitation that ensures your pool is protected from unwanted bacteria, algae and organic waste.
Featured Content
As a pool or spa owner, you’ve probably already experienced the soothing effects water can have on your body, particularly with relieving tired, aching muscles. Spas, in particular, are often used for hydrotherapy purposes but at the end of a long hot summer’s day, stretching out your muscles with a few laps in the pool can be just as rejuvenating on your mind and body.
Get, set and go with Swimart’s pool and spa automation
Get, set and go with Swimart’s pool and spa automation
Get, set and go with Swimart’s pool and spa automation Sometimes, it’s not until we get to work or are on holiday that we remember the pool needs a vacuum, a dose of chemicals or, worse, the spa heater has been left on. With pool and spa automation you will no longer experience these […]
Is your pool or spa affected by the global shortage of lithium?
Is your pool or spa affected by the global shortage of lithium?
With everything from electric cars to smartphones, laptops and power tools dependent on lithium to function, the growing demand for this popular battery material is already having an impact on Australia's spa market. A global shortage of lithium hypochlorite, the most common sanitiser used in spas, is leaving spa owners with limited options to maintain […]
Poppits: the healthy pool and spa care range
Poppits: the healthy pool and spa care range
If you, or anyone in your family suffers from eczema or psoriasis, you know how painful it can be swimming in a pool or soaking in a spa that has chlorine or bromine in it. Your skin instantly becomes dry, red and itchy, and as soon as you step out of […]