Carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions for the use and storage of chemicals and follow these tips:
- Never allow pool chemicals to mix with each other or household chemicals. Use a clean scoop for each chemical and never combine material from "old" and "new" containers. Chemical reactions could take place resulting in possible fires or explosions.
- Never use metallic utensils- use plastic, glass, china or enamelware utensils and buckets only, and be sure that they are clean and dry.
- Add chemicals to water. Never add water to chemicals.
- Always add chemicals directly to the pool water, either in a suitable feeder, distributed across the surface of the pool, or diluted and poured into the water.
- Follow label use instructions.
- Never add chemcials to the pool water while swimmers are using the pool.
- Keep chemicals out of reach of children.
- Never reuse old chemical containers.
- Wash out empty disinfectant containers before disposing to eliminate danger of fire, explosion or poisoning.
- Carefully clean up any spilled chemicals with large amounts of water to dilute and wasy away the chemcials.
- Do not inhale dust or fumes from any pool chemicals. If necessary use protective devices from breathing, handling and eye protection.
- Promptly wash off any residues which get on your skin.
- Chemicals for test kits should be replaced each year.
- Keep the original lids on all chemical containers and makre sure the lids are closed tightly when not is use.
- Don't stack different chemicals on top of one another.
- Keep liquid chemicals away from dry chemicals.
- Physically seperate all different forms of chemicals.
- Store your chemicals in a clean, cool, dry, well-ventilated area.
- Do not store chemicals near the pool heater.
- Keep acids away from other chemicals.
- Do not sore your pool chemicals where other flammable items may mix with them. For example, a mixture of pool chemicals and fertilizer can cause a fire or explosion.
- Add each chemical to the pool separately.
- Follow all label directions and use instructions carefully.
- Keep your hands clean and dry, and wash your hands before and after handling chemicals.
- Always have your pump on when adding chemicals, and filter the water for at least two hours prior unless specified by your local Swimart pool and spa specialist.
See your local Swimart pool and spa specialist for more tips on pool chemical handling safety. TIP: Wash your hands after handling pool chemicals. TIP: Don’t mix your pool chemicals.