Money Saver Tips
Using sunscreen on your pool can save you up to 50% on your chlorine expenses for chlorine swimming pools and it means shorter chlorination times for saltwater swimming pools.
Using sunscreen on your pool can save you up to 50% on your chlorine expenses for chlorine swimming pools and it means shorter chlorination times for saltwater swimming pools.
A. In the sunnier months, the sun 'eats' your pool’s chlorine. To minimise chlorine loss your pool needs what’s known as ‘sunscreen’.
Some chlorine products known as stabilised chlorines contain sunscreen, while those that don’t are referred to as unstabilised chlorines. Even with stabilised chlorines, the sunscreen level should be checked monthly.
The best way to do this is to come in and test the water at your local Swimart store.
TIP: Sunscreen helps minimise chlorine loss from your pool.
TIP: Sunscreen levels should be checked every month.
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